Renewal & Switches
Renewals - Before signing that renewal, give me a call or email. Together at no cost or obligation, we can reassess where you want to be in the next few years. Making sure to pick the correct mortgage term that suits you. In addition to making sure that the lender is providing you with the industry best interest rates. In some cases we can negotiate with your current lender to reduce the rate even further. Call me today!
Switches - Switches are commonly done to reduce the current interested without increasing the mortgage. Some lender will even cover the legal costs to do the switch. Some fees may apply, but are disclosed upfront prior to proceeding. Call today for more information.
Switches - Switches are commonly done to reduce the current interested without increasing the mortgage. Some lender will even cover the legal costs to do the switch. Some fees may apply, but are disclosed upfront prior to proceeding. Call today for more information.
*Subject to approved credit, income verification and meeting lending credit granting criteria. Applies to residential mortgages only and some conditions may apply. O.A.C., E.O.E
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All content is subject to change without notice.